The Demon Lover II – Robert G Wertzler

Demon with a problem

Brave & Reckless

It is a demon lover, a demon specifically formed to seduce mortals. I say “it” because demons have no intrinsic gender, and this kind can appear to a mortal in whatever form will be appealing, male or female, young or old, handsome or beautiful, even demonic or monstrous, whatever will work (except angelic with the wings and all, there’s a very strict rule about that sort of impersonation).

Is it sexy, this demon? Really, need you ask?

Is it lustful? It is positively overflowing with lust.

Is it charming? Yes, if it wants to be.

Is it Macho? It can be if the occasion demands.

Is it butch or fem? Sure, whatever.

Is it happy? Oh, there’s the rub. No, it is not happy, much as it enjoys its work, it has a terrible problem. It falls in love. By its nature, it can’t help being exactly what its victim…

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