When it come to invasive species, we are their best friends.

There’s a fungus threatening frogs, but humans can help the frogs in a simple way.

What do shoppers do when given a choice between a human and a chat bot for customer service?

They found an advantage for the less generously endowed.

In the fight or flight system, the escape part is associated with anxiety. How is that managed in the brain?

9 thoughts on “SCRAPINGS OF THE DAY – 06/26/24

      1. But it won’t break. It will, however, cease to be able to support 8 billion people. The only question is how many will be left once its ability to support us stops.


        Liked by 1 person

      2. That is the great unknown. I’ve never seen anything resembling an estimate of the minimum population and distribution of humans needed to sustainably maintain a technologically advanced system. There are some estimates of world and regional populations when we were all hunter-gatherers. Then, there is the possibility that the number will reach zero.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Bateson was on to something there.

        I think that there is a certain narcissism that comes from consciousness. Just like you can’t really imagine really big numbers, you can’t imagine a world without yourself or human kind in it. In fact, you can’t really imagine a world without our current level of technology.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Exactly. That’s the source of the nearly universal belief in an afterlife. And, it really is rather narcissistic for a species of animal to go about thinking they are separate from nature and their environment. In a way, that is a possible interpretation of the myth of the fall and expulsion from Eden.

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