I’m terrified of losing my healthcare.

LuckyOtter – What will happen to the ACA now?

Lucky Otters Haven


I’m freaking out right now.   The GOP is going after ACA (Obamacare) AGAIN.

This time, some federal judge in Texas (whose actual name is Reed O’Connor, though that hasn’t been widely reported) said the law is unconstitutional and therefore needs to be repealed.

Here’s the whole article from the New York Times.  I’m too disgusted and angry to try to explain why he thinks it’s unconstitutional and don’t really understand his logic anyway. I think it’s all bullshit, frankly — just another way the GOP can try to strip healthcare away from 20 million Americans and ratf*ck the poor and elderly.

I happen to be one of those Americans who will be affected should this cruel law be upheld (I have heard it will probably be appealed and not be upheld, but I’m not getting my hopes up).   The ACA is the only way I can afford health insurance. …

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