Artists of SMITTEN Speak: Grace Desmarais

SMITTEN artist, Grace Desmarais, talks about art and community


Grace Desmarais is a queer illustrator and cartoonist currently living in a cozy corner of Eastern Massachusetts. Grace self-publishes auto-bio comics centered around themes of trauma, dis/ability, chronic illness, and art history. Grace’s work has been featured in a variety of anthologies including the Votes for Women Anthology (to be published Fall 2020) and her editorial work has been featured in magazines, including Bright Lite.

How does art and identifying as bi/queer come together for you?

Art making and my identity (as a queer woman) is mostly about community. I find myself going to drawing nights and comics festivals where fellow cartoonists are mostly queer, then cultivating incredible relationships with all of them. Being in an accepting community where I can feel safe (and heard) being myself drives me to create more honest and positive art.

Woman Motivational Quote Facebook Post(18).pngHow does being an artist/cartoonist inform your views on expressing emotions through art-making?

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