Poets of SMITTEN Speak: Laura Elizabeth Casey

SMITTEN poet, Laura Elizabeth Casey – “Today I use poetry in exactly the opposite way. Now poetry is a vehicle for memoir without all the necessary conventions of prose. I get to tell my story — the story of one Gen X, queer, poly person who uses she/her pronouns — exactly how I want to tell it.”


Laura Elizabeth Casey has been writing poetry off and on for over 3 decades. Her poetry has recently appeared in the San Diego Poetry Annual. She is a graduate of San Francisco State University’s undergraduate creative writing program and currently lives in southern California with her wife, dog, and two cats.

How does poetry and identifying as lesbian/bi come together for you? 

I started writing poetry as a way to work out the feelings I was having towards girls. I was 13 and I was confused by what I was feeling and knew these feelings were not considered “normal”. Writing poetry was a way to disassociate so it wasn’t me having the feelings–those feelings were the feelings of the anonymous voice of the poem.
Today I use poetry in exactly the opposite way. Now poetry is a vehicle for memoir without all the necessary conventions of prose. I get to…

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