Ultrasociality: The Size and Complexity of our Society Means We have to rely on Each Other to Survive

Calico Jack – The cost of simple thinking in a complex world

The Psy of Life

For the past couple of months, we’ve all stood by and watched in stupored horror as the CyBeRnInJaS had their way with the Maricopa County ballots and voting machines at the behest of the Arizona GQP senate in the so-called fraudit of the county’s presidential election. Unfortunately, all they’ve succeeded in doing is soiling those ballots and machines that they can no longer be trusted. The ballots cannot be recounted ever again because they no longer accurately represent the election and the machines cannot be trusted to accurately record future votes and must now be replaced. Now, we are being treated to the specter of the same petrifying process being visited on other Democratic voting counties in Georgia, Michigan, and Pennsylvania as delegations of GQP state legislatures flock to the re-count site to observe the process…

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